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Musings of a Computer Mad Scientist

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The Infinite Monkey Theorem states that a monkey hitting keys on a keyboard completely at random for an infinite amount of time will eventually type out something meaningful; amounting to a Psalm, a work of Shakespeare, or even a whole book - purely by chance.

While this humourous theorem is more a thought experiment in statistical probability, it highlights the fact that given enough time complete randomness can eventually amount to something of consequence.

I might not be a monkey - some question if I am even human - but I can definitely hit a keyboard with a better rate then completely at random. Sometimes I even get paid to do just that! So given enough time, can I write a blog that amounts to something?

Welcome to CompHacks.com, an experiment in pseudo-random idea generation. Seeded by concepts in Computer Science, Cyber Security, or nothing in particular. Where simulation outputs will be documented in blog format for posterity, and the benefit of fellow scientists.


Computer Mad Scientist